Monday, December 1, 2014

Really read the Book of Mormon!

This week has been by far the best that Hna Jesperson and I have had in the change. We met all of our goals except for one, which definitely made up for the previous week.

There are two things that I want to share about. 1) Juana, a new investigator we just started teaching, and 2) Reading the Book of Mormon.

Last Sunday we recieved a reference from a visiting member to teach her sister-in-law, Juana. She is an older woman of 68 years, and she lives alone. We went to her house to get to know her Wednesday and immediately loved her from the start. Juana´s sister-in-law was with us for the first visit and let us know that she cant hear very well, so we tried our best to shout and to not let our gringa accents complicate things. It went very well, and we set a date for our next visit!

We visited Juana again on Friday with a member, and reviewed our last lesson about prayer. It was such a sweet lesson because she opened up about some of the very hard trials that she has suffered, and I felt prompted to share the story in Mark 5 about the woman with the issue of blood. Although Juana is almost deaf, she reads and her comprehension is amazing. She immediately identified with the woman, and we asked her to notice what the woman did to be healed. We talked about how Christ healed the woman physically because of her faith, and that if we come to Him in like manner, He can also heal us spiritually. Juana really liked that, and learning about who is Christ has helped her want to pray in His name to Heavenly Father. 

That lesson with Juana was one more of many evidences that our job as missionaries is to invite others to Christ and help God´s children learn the principles that will allow them to share in the blessings that He is already willing to give to us, but that are conditional on our asking and working for them. 

We left that lesson inviting Juana to continue praying individualing and to read in the Book of Mormon. 

In that conference with Elder Evans, he admonished us to follow Preach My Gospel by helping investigators and less active members read the Book of Mormon from the beginning. He showed us several examples of how we could use the vision of Lehi in chapter one to talk about the Resoration and Joseph Smith, and so much more. Well, Hna Jesperson and I have been trying to apply what Elder Evans taught this entire week! We have gotten invesigators like Juana to start reading, and we read with them to teach the doctrines that are found in what we read. So far it has been awesome! I have tried to study a chapter a day in 1 Nephi during my personal study, and it is amazing how many gospel principles of faith, obedience, prayer, etc. are found in the writings of Nephi. You all should really take some time to go study it! What is more, our investigators here in Quillabamba are finding more answers to their questions, and if not, we are helping them find them in the scriptures. I am probably on a rant of things that you all probably knew, but I am telling you that things are just seeking in so much deeper for me now that I am a missionary. I have blond moments all of the time. Haha, so sorry if I am a bit redundant. 

Flor and Jaset are also progressing. They have been coming to church every Sunday, and she always has a question to ask. I love it! She is so eager to learn and absorb new knowledge. :D 

This is all for now, love you all!

Hna Arroyo

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