Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas & Joy

Time goes by so fast on the internet! I will do my best to tell everything that happened this week.

First of all - CHRISTMAS. I wish that I could have 2 times to celebrate it in the mission, because it isnt every year that you can be a set-apart missionary on the celebration of Christ´s birth. Needless to say, it was an awesome day and my companion and I lived it up with the other latina sisters! We did Secret Santa between all four of us on Christmas Eve when the work day had ended and made a video. (It is a little too long, so you all wont be seeing it...but that´s a good thing. haha.)

The next day we studied and got ready for the day. Hna Luque, one of the other sisters, wanted to badly to do mine and Hna Jesperson´s hair and makeup for when we skyped, so we let her. It made her so happy, so we were happy. :)

Lunch and skyping came by way too fast after that. To be honest, we had planned to do weekly planning Christmas day, but there was not enough time in the day to even put a dent into it before our Pensionista expected us to be at her house to eat, and then to be online in time to skype. Things worked out well in the end, and we talked to our families! It was so great to see everyone and to know the latest happenings. I just wish that we could skype more often, but it is probably better the way it is. We all would get too trunky! I´ll just say that I am looking forward to the next opportunity on Mother´s Day. 

As a side note for all those who are interested, our Christmas meal consisted of 3 different meats (chicken, turkey, and duck), tallarin con queso, camote, and ricoto relleno. SO GOOD! I dont have a picture to share, but just know that we had to take half of it home in order to finish. 

Story of the week!

I am not sure if I have shared with you all about our new investigators, Climaco and Yumilca. We met them three or so weeks ago in between lessons when Hna J and I felt excited to go out contacting families in a near by park. We caught up with Climaco and Yumilca with their little girl just as they were about to leave, and we decided to talk to them and share a message of ´´He is the Gift´´. We now recognize that Heavenly Father led us to them, because the Spirit came as we spoke with them about Christmas, Christ and the love of God. Yumilca immediately opened up to us about her depression and how she and Climaco have been desperately searching for comfort and answers. Hna Jesperson was able to offer empathy and share a deep testimony of how prayer has helped her in her own struggles, and the Spirit sealed every word. The best part was that we got the info of Yumica and Climaco, and were able to set up an apointment!

They live about 30-40 minutes away, so we had to take a bus out to their house with the company of a member in order to make it to the appointment. Climaco was still at work, but Yumilca was present and more than willing to listen. She began crying as she opened up more about your desperation to be normal and to no longer have depression. We listened, and the member who was with us bore testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that has saved him while he himself delt with depression. I wish that I could go into more detail with what happened next, but I´ll just say that after our lesson and the sharing of our testimonies of the restored gospel and priesthood power, Yumilca tearfully told us how she recognized that we were sent to her by God, and that she wants us to teach her. Lenin, the brother who accompanied us from the branch, then gave her a blessing of comfort and we left looking forward to returning the following Friday.

This past Friday, Lenin accompanied us again with an appointment with Yumilca and Climaco, and they were all present! We took the time to get to know Climaco and his feelings about God, and then proceeded to share how the Gospel blesses families. They were both really attentive as we spoke, and when asked about how he felt after we taught, Climaco just said, ´´I feel that what you are saying will bless my family, and if it is true, we would like to go forward and accept it.´´

Ah!! I cannot express how happy we were to hear that! We invited them to make the sacrifice to travel almost an hour the next morning to attend Church with us, and they accepted.

The next morning, we were in sacrament meeting a little sad when none of our investigatores showed up. I had been asked to lead the music, so I was searching! And the moment that Yumilca and Climaco walked in was like sunshine. I was so happy that it was hard not to make a scene. :)

They went to all three hours, and we came to find out that they know one of the families in our branch! It was seriously such a good day...We have another cita with them this upcoming Friday, and we will be challening them to be baptized. 

The rest of this week has been spent proselyting and pondering about the ways that I want to be a better teacher of the gospel. I have probably one of the best companions in the world who is also like-minded and wants to improve, and so we both have been studying this. I have come to the conclusion that I want more trials! Seriously, the most powerful testimonies come from those who have experienced hard things, and I am willing to do anything in order to help our investigators, less actives, and recent converts become truly converted. It seems like a small price to pay.

I hope you all keep helping others in their afflictions and continue to seek to know the Savior and the blessings of the Gospel that can be ours if we are obedient. It is my testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true Church of Christ on this earth today, not because we profess things that we know nothing about, but because we have learned them through the Holy Ghost and we have the priesthood of God that authorizes baptism and the other ordenances necessary to return to God´s presence. I know these things are true by the Spirit! And I am happy everyday in my circumstances because I feel God´s guidance and love as I live His Gospel. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Until next week,

Hna Arroyo

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