Monday, November 17, 2014

Miracles from Obedience

I should really get in the habit of writing the weekly email when I first log on, and not at the end...Sorry. 

This week has been so great, that the ten minutes I have to write will hardly be enough to email everything, but I accept the challenge. 

We started on top of the world after our first lesson with a family that was referenced to us by our zone leaders. Wilman and Jane are their names, and they have been looking for a church that is family-centered. What is more, they are MARRIED. Our mouths kind of dropped at the news, because the majority of the people we have met arent. 

We silently sang hallelujah. 

Hna Jesperson and i really work on letting the Spirit guide our lessons more than anything, so we did just that during our time with Wilman and Jane. We asked them about their beliefs and how important prayer is to them. Our conversation led into who God is and how he still guides us. We shared a part of lesson 1, the Restoration and then moved along as they were ready. We could see they´re hearts opening more and more to our message, and the Spirit was undeniably. We also had the Elders Quorum Pres with us, and he gave an incredible testimony. That lesson is now on to one of the best that I have had in the mission. Hna Jesperson and I went home that night just so happy!

My companion and I have also been extending our limits a little more and following the direction of Pres Harbertson to contact all of the families we see in the street. It is truly an act of faith, but we have been experiencing miracles from it. Even thought we experience rejection daily, we have also met with families that are genuinely interested in progressing in the gospel. Miracles really come from obedience and faith! 

Besides, how will we know who is the elect unless we teach everyone? I have experienced a real tesimony builder this week.

We also had division with the hermana leaders! It was great. The hermana leaders live in Cusco, but travel 6 hours here to Quillabamba and stay will us for a day or two to do it. We end up ending the day with double the logros, so it was awesome! I went out with Hna Valverde as my companion, and one of the families we taught was a part-member one. The son, Johan is a member, and a time before, his mom and brother were receiving the lessons. We read on their teaching record that Johan´s mom doesnt want to be baptized, but we went forward just to get in touch with them and be friends. Johan´s mom Flor said something that made us think that she would like to know about family history, so we taught just that! I sensed a little hesitation in Flor as i testified of temples, but we bore our testimonies and invited them to attend church the following day and to make an account on We set an appointment to help´them do just that, and then we left!

I was really surprised to see Johan sitting in sacrament meeting with his mom and brother, and even more so when they went to all three hours. We talked to them afterward and reminded them of our appointment that evening. After everything was verified, Flor came back and took us aside to tell us something that would blow our minds:

´´Hermanas, just to make things clear, I want you to teach me and my family. Not only this, but I also want you two to prepare me and my son to be baptized.´´

Well, okay! That changes everything. We went to visit them that evening, and we talked more about family history and why they want to be baptized. Flor really likes the Church, how it has helped Johan and that it is family-centered. There was a sweet spirit there. Hna Jesperson and i also made it important to emphasize our work as missionaries is to guide others to Christ, and that baptism means more than just becoming a member of the Church. We gained more of an understanding of one another, and we are going to go forward in preparing Flor and her family for baptism so that they can come even closer to Christ and enjoy the blessings of His Atonement. 

I wish that we could get in contact with the missionaries who taught Flor previously and were rejected. They would be so happy to see her now!

Today is P-day, and we are in Cusco right now for a conference tomorrow. 
This is all that I can write now, but more will definitely come next week!

Hna Arroyo

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