Monday, January 19, 2015

Adventures with Hna Roman!

This week started off on a sad note because of transfers. Hna Jesperson and I had a really fun time being companions, and so it was hard to be separated. It is amazing how close you get to each other in the mission! I just hope that we will be able to see each other soon.

My new companion is the lovely Peruvian from Piura, Hna Roman! I seriously have felt so blessed with every one of my companions. Each one has taught me something knew, and Hna Roman does just that every day! She is really silly and loves to laugh. She is always smiling and making every situation better. I just love her so much already and it feels as if we have been friends for years! I am so excited to have at least one transfer together as companions. :D

We had a really fun week going around doing visits with investigators and branch members. I´ll share some fotos that we took to entertain ourselves:

One morning we decided to go and visit a less active young woman named Pamela.  We didnt have her number to tell her that we were coming, so we stopped by as she and her mom were cooking. Hna Roman and I took advantage of the opportunity by helping them cook and getting to know them. We must have done a great job because we left Pamela´s house with a return date for a lesson and our arms full of oranges, mangos, and plantains. Blessings from the Lord!

Another day we went and visited Percy and Ana to teach them how to do family history. They still dont want to get married, which complicates things, but they still want to come to church and learn, so we still teach them once or twice a week. Before Hna Jesperson and I were praying really hard to know how we could get them progressing, and then the idea came to teach them family history. After our lesson, we left them with the pamphlets to fill out, and we were so surprised to come back the following lesson to see how Ana had filled hers out. It was a miracle! And this week we helped Percy and Ana make acounts on It was a happy moment for Percy to find a birth record for his mom. We indexed her information online and sent it to the temple! Although they havent been baptized, they are gaining a testimony of the vicarious work in the temple and are anxious to get the work done for their ancestors. It is a miracle to me to see so much light in their eyes as they search for records. Now all we need to do is help them prepare to recieve the ordinances of baptism, confirmation, and all of the rest in the temple for themselves! 

Now for the really sad part of the week. Do you all remember Vicente and Cristina, recent converts from the hermanas before us? Vicente has been really sick, and Cristina has always been worrying about her husband. They´ve waited anxiously for the time when they could be sealed in the temple, and this past week and a half, Cristina died suddenly of an anerysm. It has been so sad to go to her funeral and see Vicente broken. But the most insperational thing has been to see how he has thanked God for all of his trials, even the death of Cristina. Even though he still isnt healthy enough to travel all the way to the Lima temple, his faith is stronger than ever! It almost made me cry to see him walk into the capilla yesterday to partake of the sacrament. He is such a huge example of faithfulness to all those who know him.

I have to go now, but I love you all!

Hna Arroyo

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