Monday, June 16, 2014

Change and blessings

Today is p-day! One of the best days of the week. This day started off bad for my companion, though. Last night we ate a huge meal with Mama Rosalia and her family for Father´s Day, and she woke up needing to puke. The worst! Our Zone Leaders came this morning to give her a blessing, and now she is sleeping. During it all, I have been able to serve Rosalia by doing some cleaning! Let me tell you feels so good to be able to clean a real house! (Mom, I think I am becoming like you.) So despite my companion feeling under the weather, we are still blessed, and Rosalia has been our mom away from our moms.

As far as the miracle go for this week, they´ve all been about change!

About three weeks ago we made a connect with an older man named Leonzio. We finally had our first meeting with him two weeks ago, and we found out that he is grieving for his deceased wife who died only within the last two months. He cried and cried, but his attitude made a total 360 as we taught him the Plan of Salvation. Although he is still grieving, he has so much more peace and comfort. He committed to baptism in the first lesson, and seeing him change has been a testemant of the truthfulness of the Restored Gospel.

At another time during the last two weeks, we have met with Juana. She is also older, with grown kids, but is less active. We found her as we were trying to meet with a contact we havent been able to sit down with. This contact wasnt hope, but we came to find out that she has members in the church, and Juana is her grandma! So we sat with Juana and began asking her questions about herself. During this time the thought came to mind to share about family history. But I was having such a hard time catching what she was saying, that I doubted this as a prompting. As time past, Juana began to cry as she confinded in us that she feels so upset that he kids arent happy in their lives right now. We listened as she talked, and then she shared how she made a promise with her husband before he died that she would be sealed to him in the temple. At this point I felt so many emotions: shame because I doubted the prompting I recieve, but gratitude for the opportunity to testify of something so important to me. Afterward, Juana confirmed this impression again by sharing how just the other day she was thinking about her parents who never joined the church and other relatives who need their work done. This church is so TRUE! This past week we set out to meet with her again, and found Juana having some pain from a lung disease she has. We set out to find the Elders in the street, if we could, because neither of us have cell phones. We searched and searched for a worthy priesthood holder for maybe an hour before we could find one to offer Juana a blessing. Finally we found one of Rosalia´s sons, and he was able to bless her. This experience has made me more firm in my desire to not only marry a priesthood holder, but someone who I can count on to be worthy to offer blessings at any time.

One more story about this week, but this one is about Daisy. Daisy is the daughter of a single mom and less active member. We started meeting with her one day when her mom couldnt make it to our appointment, and it semed like the perfect opportunity to get to know her kids. And Daisy is so full of sweetness, and she really impressed me from the beginning with her eagerness to learn more about the gospel and live it. Hermana C. and I have felt impressed to help Daisy get into the habit of daily scripture study, so we are meeting with her several times a week to help and encourage her. In one of our last visits, we read in 2 Ne 31 about the doctrine of Christ, and afterward she asked us how she can start paying tithing! Teaching Daisy and helping her with scripture study has brought to mind so many memories of doing this same thing with the sister missionaries how taught me. They are a big reason why I love the scriptures, and I really want to give this same gift to her. I know that she is going to need a testimony that she can receive answers through the scriptures and prayer, especially if she will be the only active member in her home.

Everyday we have opportunities to lift others, strengthen them, and watch them grow. Missionary work is to beautiful! Even with all of its challenges, it is the best work there is.

I love you all! Until next week.

Hermana Arroyo

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