Monday, May 25, 2015

The Pinnacle of My Mission

This week has been CRAZY! Hna Ramos and I said our goodbyes, I arrived to my new sector in Cusco, received the training for new Sister Training Leaders - which is really just a fancy title to say that my companion and I serve the other sister missionaries - and we made mexican tacos! To be truthful, so much more happened than that, but there is no time to write about everything. 

What I will share is about a tender mercy that happened last change. 

As I arrived to my sector in Cusco, I ran into Hna Roman, an ex-companion (side note: I`m pretty much living in the centro for sister missionaries in the mission. Whenever someone new arrives or needs to do papers, receive medical attention in Cusco, etc, they all come to my sector. :) Sometimes my companion and I dont get to go to bed until midnight, but it is so fun to connect with all of the sisters! I wouldnt change it for the world.) and she told me some GIGANTIC news!

The whole last six weeks, while I was in Juliaca, the family that we had contacted and taught were not only Married, but they were BAPTIZED. You can bet that I cried like a baby. Hna Roman and I met Ronald and Yanet during a really hard time. Aside from some illness and companionship struggles, the Lord blessed us to find them. I kid you not, we were praying HARD to overcome our challenges and to do what the Savior would do. We were so, so weak, yet He moved us along and made us instruments in His Hands according as we relied on Him. I can now testify even more whole-heartedly that it is a blessing to be weak, and that by being humble, the Lord can bring about miracles. Even though we werent perfect as we taught Ronald and Yanet, we TRIED to give our all, which included continuous repentance, and as a result, the Spirit was able to testify of our words as we taught...We did absolutely nothing of ourselves; the Lord did it all and allowed us to have joy with Him in bringing souls unto Christ. I just, cant perfectly express how happy I am right now. I`ve been pondering a blessing that I was given as I was set-apart as a full-time missionary which talked about this feeling. It promised me that in serving, I would feel more joy than what I felt when I was baptized, and that bringing one soul unto Christ would bring unspeakable joy. That promise has been true. And this experience has been the pinnacle of my mission! Gosh - I love the gospel! 
Can you believe that we were able to teach Ronald and Yanet all of the lessons in 6 weeks, and they were married and baptized 6 weeks later? It all happened in 3 months from the time that we contacted their family! If that`s not a miracle, then I dont know what is. 

Also here are some pictures from this week:
We made mexican tacos. 

This all for this week! Love you all. 

Hna Arroyo

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