Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Just that missionary life

It´s a new week! Hurray! Sunday-Tuesday is the best because not only do we get to partake of the sacrament, but we get to spend P-day at the Lima temple. I always look forward to the rejuvenation that takes place, because the rest of the week can sometimes feel like an uphill battle depending on the challenges. And Hermana Hunter and I have reeeally needed some TLC after this last week.
First of all, I hope you all don´t get the impression that I´m having a horrible time. I tend to write more about the hard times more than the good because there is so much growth in trials. Just know that I am having the time of my life. In so many ways Heavenly Father is showing me how much my heart can hold.
The blessings of this week include committing two more investigators to baptism and experiencing the gift of tongues. Heavenly Father blesses his children with spiritual gifts for their own benifit, but more especially to serve others. The gift to preach the word of God in a foreign language is so important as a missionary! Even though Spanish is as easy as it get, dont be fooled. It´s been hard! Yet, I have been experiencing tremendous blessings. There was a day last week in class that my mind just seemed so on-point. Instead of just being able to keep up with 70-80 % of the lesson, I could understand 95%! It wasnt just a normal occurance, and I immediatly recognized the help of heaven in this. I know that it came about because I asked in prayer, and then gave my all in gospel and language study, otherwise I would have been left to myself. Hermana Hunter and I taught a lesson after that class, and the Spirit was undeniable strong...I have a testimony that Heavenly Father answers prayer, and that He works miracles everyday. We only need to be spiritually intune to recognize them.
 Hermana Hunter and I have been working as hard as we know how in order to have the Spirit with us and teach the lessons with power. We´ve had epic fails, though. After having our confidence boosted from one of our teachers, we experienced what had been the hardest day out in the MTC. That day we felt as inadequate as missionaries feel when they put so much into a lesson, and then get the feeling that they missed the mark. We feel that the adversary has been working hard to shake us, but luckily we have prayer. And priesthood blessing. And an awesome district of hermanas! We truly feel that Heavenly Father has brought us together for a reason more than to be friends for six weeks and then never see one another again. We often have validation-testimony meetings to build each other up. I am amazed at the life stories these hermanas have. Being a member of the Church doesnt mean that you wont have trials in your life. We need trials to grow and gain experience, but Heavenly Father has given us gospel truths and ordinances to strengthen us in order to meet difficulties. Although the world may be in chaos, we dont have to be. That is the promise that is given to us. (Quick! Someone find that scripture where the Savior promises peace to his disciples - and write it in a comment!)
Funnies of the week:
We had tacos for lunch one day this week! And there were real beans and this yummy avocado sauce. . . Can you tell that we are deprived of Mexican food at the CCM? My whole district literally stuffed their faces for a good couple of minutes, just relishing the goodness. The lunch made me miss Angela´s cooking and Costa Vida´s house dressing. Oh! And Pepe´s tacos. Pepe has some good tacos and hot sauce. Savor the goodness in the US while you can!
I was complimented on the fact that I dont speak Spanish with a gringo accent. (Yeeees.) And then was told that I speak it with a Mexican one. What does that even sound like?
Apparently my district is talented. Hermana Davis knows how to draw SUPER  aswesome pictures of people, and others know how to beat box. Love it.
Sorry this email is kind of lame. My thoughts are all scattered right now, and it probs wont get any better. :) But I love you all! Keep writing - and make sure you email me your addresses, please! Ive started writing several letters, but dont have the info to send them out. Get on it!
Bueno FE

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