Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Baptism, mail, kids, Cusco

There are two things that make missionaries happiest: baptisms and mail. Right after my emailing time was over last week, I read the email from mom about how Alex has decided to be baptized. I am telling you all right now that I didnt know true joy until that moment. It is through baptism that we covenant that we are willing to take upon ourselves the name of Christ and leave behind old habits that would keep us from Heavenly Father for the rest of our lives. In return, we are blessed with the gift of the Holy Ghost and a clean conscience every time we repent, strive to live the commandments, and serve others. The blessings that Heavenly Father gives to all those who follow the Savior are worth every sacrifice. I know this.
Right after reading Mom´s email, Hermana Hunter and I found out that we got real mail delivered to us. So we screamed and danced all through the courtyard up to our rooms. It was seriously the best day ever.
On another day, we had some visiters from Lima come in for tours. There is so much love for missionaries here in Peru! Groups of kids between the ages of five and eighteen visited in every classroom. But the best part was when my district of hermanas was able to greet all of the elementary aged kids in the courtyard. Lines upon lines of them ran up to us like we were Disney Princesses. I´m pretty sure we received enough kisses to last us for the next seventeen months! They and their parents kept calling us angels...The Peruvian people never cease to humble me with their love and humility...I am so grateful to be a missionary in this country!
This week also made me realize even more how great of a district I have. Each of the hermanas have amazing stories. I won´t go into detail for each of them, but let me just say that they´ve all known hard trials. They are the kind of women who don´t share it outright, but they know what it feels like to be at the breaking point, and just how powerful the Atonement is. They are just so strong, and they have powerful testimonies to share.
On another note, my whole district has been sick in one way or another. Not in serious ways, but just the normal adjustment stuff. I am lucky to say that it hasn´t affected me yet! But it´s coming...I know it. :,(
Also, this will be my last letter for the next two weeks. I´ll be traveling to Cusco next P-day!! Pray for our safety.
Bueno FE!
Hermana Arroyo
PS Janie C - holla at your girl!

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