Monday, July 7, 2014

Inviting others back

Sadly, this week has been low in numbers as far as appointments go with investigators. Hermana Chipunavi and I have had so many people cancel on us, but on the flip side we have had so many opportunities to meet with less actives! I cannot think of anything better to do than to eleviate someone´s pain and inspire hope through the Atonement.

One lesson that sticks out to me was with a single mom. We met with Daisy and her mom Gladys and taught about the Word of Wisdom. Gladys hasnt been active in the church for a really long time, so some of the things we talked about had been forgotten. Besides talking about some of her doubts, Gladys also shared that she feels bad for regressing back to old habits. She is feeling a little dispondant and down that she doesnt fit in with the other ´´perfect´´ members. It made me so sad to hear her talk this way. Hermana Chipunavi testified to her that there is always a way back, and the Savior is just waiting for her to decide to do it. Gladys has so much faith and a desire to change that there is no doubt in my mind of the potential she can reach.
3 Ne 9:13 comes to mind right now.
´´Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, my arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I recieve: and blessed are those who come unto me.´´

Sometimes as members we judge others who have weaknesses. I cant say that I have never done the same, but I am learning to see others as the Savior would. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ because we are ALL sinners. An apostol has testified that the Church is for the spiritually inferm, and so rather than give in to judging, we should keep loving and caring for each other - more especially those who have committed some serious sins. This is not only what the Savior would do, but there is so much more peace and happiness in following His example. I am making a committment to be better for people like Gladys.

Also, this week we had three drunk men come up to us at different times, asking to hear the word of God. The first two were totally gone, but we took their numbers and directions anyway. But the third made us take a step back and consider what Heavenly Father may be trying to tell us. As the this man was talking to us, he begged to hear something that would give him peace, and then he started to cry. There was a different feeling present as we shared a message with him about the restored gospel and Atonement. As the man was talking, I felt his sincerity and just how much he hurt. Seeing him cry almost made me do the same. This experience has made me remember a talk given by Elder Cook (?) about the peace this gospel brings. There are so many people in this world who need to feel the joy of repentance, but dont know how or where to find the cure. We know this Cure, and we have the restored gospel and the authority needed to experience a remission of sins. There is such a big need to share what we know with others! This gospel is what brings true happiness.

Daily updates! For the next two days I am in a trio with the other Hermanas in our sector while Hermana Chipunavi travels to Lima for her visa. :( It is so weird without her! But the other hermanas are pretty great. One is Mexican and she speaks PERFECT English, and the other is new to the mission from California. So we´re speaking a lot of English! I would have loved this three months ago, but now I am having trouble remembering certain words and how to pronounce them. Crazy! Heavenly Father answers our prayers and works miracles in our lives when we have faith and do our part to obtain them.

Have a great week everyone! I love you!

Hermana Arroyo

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